class notes class xii topic environment and sustainable subject economics indian economic dev development concept of environment according to the environment protection act 1986 environment includes water air and land ...
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...Class notes xii topic environment and sustainable subject economics indian economic dev development concept of according to the protection act includes water air land interrelationship which exists among between human beings other creatures plants micro organisms property above definition suggests that i there are physical or abiotic as well living biotic elements ii include soil climate mountains minerals all resources nature has provided us asa free gift iii kinds like animals impact life functions a it supply renewable non b assimilates waste c sustains by providing genetic bio diversity d provides aesthetic services scenery etc environmental degradation is an outcome demand reversal over period time on account industrialisation been rapid growth in for natural this led their overuse misuse also suffered from plenty paucity two basic problem pollution excess exploitation noise excessive implies deforestation use causes population explosion widespread poverty increasing urbanisation ...