novateur publications international journal of innovations in engineering research and technology issn 2394 3696 volume 2 issue 4apr 2015 biosensor for environmental monitoring swati nasipude saniya bagwan m tech first ...
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...Novateur publications international journal of innovations in engineering research and technology issn volume issue apr biosensor for environmental monitoring swati nasipude saniya bagwan m tech first year students department shivaji university kollhapur mr anil c ranveer assistant professor kolhapur abstract biosensors show the potential to complement laboratory based analytical methods applications although have been reported a wide range pollutants from regulatory perspective decision develop method an application should consider several interrelated issues these are discussed terms needs policies mechanisms associated with identification selection appropriate key words sensors sensing elements bio recognizing transducer etc introduction recent years growing number initiatives legislative actions pollution control particular emphasis on water quality adopted parallel increasing scientific social concern this area need disposable systems or tools has encouraged development new techno...