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picture1_The Environment Pdf 49776 | 5b8634d3aa824ugrusaevs21

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File: The Environment Pdf 49776 | 5b8634d3aa824ugrusaevs21
ability enhancement compulsory course environment science course envs2aecc02 theory department of interdisiciplinery studies school of environmental sciences himachal pradesh university summerhill shimla 1 course envs2aecc2 environment science theory year end ...

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...Ability enhancement compulsory course environment science envsaecc theory department of interdisiciplinery studies school environmental sciences himachal pradesh university summerhill shimla year end examination marks note the examiner will set a total nine questions covering all topics units prescribed by setting at least two from each unit out one question containing ten short answer type that cover entire candidate attempt five including carry equal introduction to ecosystems multidisciplinary nature scope and importance what is an ecosystem structure function energy flow in food chains webs ecological succession forest grassland desert aquatic levels biological diversity genetic species biogeographic zones india biodiversity patterns global hot spots as mega nation endangered endemic threats habitat loss poaching wildlife man conflicts invasions conservation situ ex concept sustainability sustainable development periods natural resources its management land landuse change degradati...

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