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picture1_Research Pdf 49406 | Eebiodiversityupdated

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File: Research Pdf 49406 | Eebiodiversityupdated
arjen e j wals editor revised open access edition 2014 full reference wals a e j ed 1999 environmental education and biodiversity national reference centre for nature management wageningen the ...

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...Arjen e j wals editor revised open access edition full reference a ed environmental education and biodiversity national centre for nature management wageningen the netherlands p ministry of agriculture fisheries ikc report nr isbn duplication parts this publication is permitted provided that proper made to source research agricultural group department social sci ences university nether lands contributing authors daan van weelie biology science mathematics utrecht amos dreyfus extension hebrew jerusalem israel sciences agri cultural art alblas marjan margadant arcken wa geningen cover photographs upper sarah errington lineair b v lower left friso der zee right ron giling lay out printing eck oosterink kesteren table contents abstract foreword introduction as human development not training ideology components high quality learning in process anchors content conclusions theme concept values literacy socio scientific disputes role knowledge stepping stones making meaningful through analysi...

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