File: Application Format Pdf 49068 | 211 Computer Desktop Publication (dtp)
course module 2010 computer desktop publication dtp day session subject 01 i registration inauguration ii about the institute rules regulations of training institute iii iv micro lab ice breaking exercise ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 19 Aug 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Course module computer desktop publication dtp day session subject i registration inauguration ii about the institute rules regulations of training iii iv micro lab ice breaking exercise achievement motivation confidence building why self employment advantages over wage entrepreneurship development what how introduction entrepreneurial competencies importance explanation with examples case study for identification different problem solving through studies and exercises creativity creative thinking time management risk taking goal setting ring toss to basics hardware software in digital designing uses block diagram history input devices output storage difference between old latest ram rom drives modem internet application general purposes system windows xp word pad explorer creating new folders copying pasting renaming searching files scope ddp printing types letter press offset screen ms page font style making bold italic underlining superscript subscript text wrapping tower eradicatin...