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picture1_Authority Letter Format Word 48991 | Signatoryauthority

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File: Authority Letter Format Word 48991 | Signatoryauthority
sample letter for delegation of signatory authority the permit holder should provide this letter to deq on city or company letterhead as applicable subject npdes or wpcf permit no xxxxxx ...

icon picture DOCX Filetype Word DOCX | Posted on 19 Aug 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Sample letter for delegation of signatory authority the permit holder should provide this to deq on city or company letterhead as applicable subject npdes wpcf no xxxxxx see face page file xxxxx dear is notify you that following individual s have signature applications and information requested by epa oregon related operation includes but not limited discharge monitoring reports dmrs other submittals required if desired an alternate designation may be provided follows person holding position unavailable shall delegated such sincerely name title granted individuals positions a having responsibility overall regulated facility activity public works plant superintendent manager operator in grant corporation responsible corporate officer could include president secretary treasurer vice one manufacturing production operating facilities municipality principal executive ranking elected official more refer cfr...

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