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picture1_Letter Pdf 48345 | Template Agreement For Schools Practitioners

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File: Letter Pdf 48345 | Template Agreement For Schools Practitioners
letter of agreement for delivery of activity on a creative partnerships project this letter of agreement sets out the relationship between the enquiry school and the creative practitioner detailing the ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 19 Aug 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Letter of agreement for delivery activity on a creative partnerships project this sets out the relationship between enquiry school and practitioner detailing responsibilities each party during is in addition to information agreed as part planning document name address lead contact telephone no email individual organisation company if applicable vat registration relating deliver following services over timescale will commence conclude page fees description days rate total preparation x review evaluation sub other e g materials travel accommodation etc payment plan condition anticipated date value must balance section statements please tick all certify agrees maintain an adequate level appropriate insurance cover risks they take by providing public liability make policy available viewing consider any possible risk involved partnership with reasonable precautions ensure health safety participants hold enhanced criminal records bureau disclosure described terms conditions intellectual prop...

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