File: Letter Pdf 48140 | Sample Letter Of Good Standing
SAMPLE LETTER OF GOOD STANDING I, the undersigned, ___________, hereby certify that ___________ is a cleric in good standing from our Arch/Diocese who enjoys all the faculties for the exercise ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 19 Aug 2022 | 2 years ago
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...Sample letter of good standing i the undersigned hereby certify that is a cleric in from our arch diocese who enjoys all faculties for exercise his pastoral ministry after reviewing personal file checking with those worked him previous assignments and my own knowledge subject am able to without qualification he has never been suspended or otherwise canonically disciplined no criminal charges have even brought against nor does record behaved such way as indicate might deal minors adults an appropriate manner not current untreated alcohol substance abuse problem emotional mental health involved any incident which called into question fitness suitability fulfill responsibilities duties participated approved training session on how provide safe environment children young people state character reputation qualified perform grant permission pursue time period requested signature title date...