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picture1_Letter Pdf 48112 | Chapter 1 Introduction

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File: Letter Pdf 48112 | Chapter 1 Introduction
ir perpustakaan universitas airlangga chapter 1 introduction 1 1 background of the report yu and fu 2014 stated that bussiness correspondence is written communication in the trade between two sides ...

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...Ir perpustakaan universitas airlangga chapter introduction background of the report yu and fu stated that bussiness correspondence is written communication in trade between two sides it means business or message usually occur company collaborate with other corporations according to mei common help people exchange information maintain friendship negotiate world nyzhnikova an essential part every has a characteristic way writing letter can be handwritten printed on paper each different step write many kind correpondence for examples complaint procurement replying agreement etc about style expressing thoughts but must emphasized accepted idiom set phrases fixed pattern grammar also arrangement futhermore function being able letters order support objectives decrease misunderstandings final strategies making maulidiah aisyah any problems insley functions are transfer parterns outside organization formal communicaton make effective businees therefore use sell products seek advice price goods...

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