sample form legal opinion letter for verifying signing authority to ssl corp 2260 w holcombe blvd ste 700 houston texas 77030 us re ev certificate request no client client application ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 18 Aug 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Sample form legal opinion letter for verifying signing authority to ssl corp w holcombe blvd ste houston texas us re ev certificate request no client application date this firm represents who has submitted the you dated as of shown above we have been asked by our present with stated in on basis hereby offer following that company is a duly formed active valid current or equivalent under laws state province and not any disability known author conducts business assumed name dba registered such appropriate government agency jurisdiction its place below act behalf provide information about required issuance certificates contained attached b one more designate other persons c agree relevant contractual obligations subscriber agreement note must be s exact corporate incorporating incorporation will included if necessary establish representative actual may rely power attorney from an officer delegate physical presence at location can contacted telephone number demand deposit account regulated...