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picture1_Letter Pdf 47530 | Sens Example Grant Funding Agreement And Letter

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File: Letter Pdf 47530 | Sens Example Grant Funding Agreement And Letter
the smart energy savings sens innovation competition competition guidance notes appendix 2 example grant agreement terms and conditions and offer letter beis proposes to use its template grant agreement as ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 18 Aug 2022 | 3 years ago
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...The smart energy savings sens innovation competition guidance notes appendix example grant agreement terms and conditions offer letter beis proposes to use its template as basis of this current for are attached below information illustrative funding phase introduction definitions interpretation duration purpose payment eligible ineligible expenditure review monitoring reporting auditing assurance financial management prevention bribery corruption fraud other irregularity conflicts interest confidentiality transparency statutory duties data protection public procurement state aid intellectual property rights environmental requirements assets insurance assignment spending controls marketing advertising communications consultancy losses gifts special payments borrowing publicity changes authority s clawback events default termination reserved breach exit plan dispute resolution limitation liability vat code conduct recipients notices governing law annex application funded activities sched...

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