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picture1_Agreement Sample 202082 | Sampleprojagreement

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File: Agreement Sample 202082 | Sampleprojagreement
this agreement template is used by the recreation and conservation office rco for the management of the grant and other programs it administers this example is provided for review by ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 10 Feb 2023 | 2 years ago
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...This agreement template is used by the recreation and conservation office rco for management of grant other programs it administers example provided review applicants their counsel as they seek funding managed will contain changes at issuance based on specifics each funded project instance occur applicant program fund source type rule or law factors that receive from are encouraged to thoroughly customized prior final signature reserves right make updates name number date a parties entered into between state washington fundingagency p o box olympia primarysponsornameaddress secondarysponsornameaddress shall be binding agents all persons acting through sponsor s data universal numbering system duns dunnsnumber sponsors equally independently subject conditions except those expressly apply only primary during period performance per resolution authorizations submitted file with identified authorized representative agent have full authority legally bind regarding matters related including b...

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