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picture1_Coffee Theme Powerpoint 47030 | Virtual Meetings Participant Guide 072018

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File: Coffee Theme Powerpoint 47030 | Virtual Meetings Participant Guide 072018
introduction to remote participation technology advancement has simplified the way we do things the way we travel it saves time it increases on production it simplifies communication specifically communication technology ...

icon picture PPTX Filetype Power Point PPTX | Posted on 18 Aug 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Introduction to remote participation technology advancement has simplified the way we do things travel it saves time increases on production simplifies communication specifically become even better over years by using a specific set of tools and applications anyone can join remotely interactively participate in meetings reduction costs ease use mobility flexibility are only some advantages these new systems personal sharing documents collaboration online today all this be done from anywhere world at any order thing you need is either telephone connection or pc mobile device equipped with audio stable internet why i no physically present meeting wherever like whether your own office home coffee shop library etc stuck traffic late work still if have least phone enables wider inclusion fact that connect will increase number participants therefore level represenation cost effective many companies cannot afford pay for tickets trips their employees more reduce an important being held other ...

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