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...Sheet instructions income tax calculator version copy nithyanand yeswanth available for free download at httptaxcalcynithyacom email taxcalc ynithyacom name please enter your here dt of birth jan d i s c l a m e r this can be used to calculate the approximate payable by salaried individuals should not compute actual taxes paid government author is resposible any inaccuracies in computed if you find inconsistency let me know and will try fix it earliest p t h n u o f y only numbers yellowcolored cells able data other do leave yellow cell that expects blank may lead incorrect calculation instead date above correctly required senior citizenship orange colored with dark red text constitute setup parameters which have set once ensure all ab are prior using depending on company policy change select elements salary count towards pf delhi mumbai kolkata or chennai location metro moved from nonmetro viceversa during year deduction percentage addition limits certain amount there no changes due e...