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picture1_Sip Calculator Excel Sheet 43242 | Emissioncalculator 2

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File: Sip Calculator Excel Sheet 43242 | Emissioncalculator 2
sheet 1 readme amp change log note this calculator may not be used for state implementation plans sips and conformity consult your epa regional office or sip and conformity guidance ...

icon picture XLSX Filetype Excel XLSX | Posted on 16 Aug 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Sheet readme amp change log note this calculator may not be used for state implementation plans sips and conformity consult your epa regional office or sip guidance documents rdquo was updated to include an estimation tool fireplaces that are being replaced by gas firelogs fireplace assumes the emissions from zero is in quot fp results table worksheet directions on how use also estimates amount of avoided if a number conventional woodstoves epacertified has function where you can estimate get converted heating units accounts increased efficiency certified further july haps inputs calculations documented all changed match other data as needed users do have default more reliable available them full name marama report task technical memorandum final control analysis documentation residential wood combustion manevu region prepared omni environmental services inc dec httpwwwomnitestcompublicationstask reportpdf s ap located web at httpwwwepagovttnchiefapindexhtml houck email jim main point ...

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