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picture1_Excel Spreadsheet Calculations 46192 | Phe Tool For Common Ph Stats And Cis

picture2_Excel Spreadsheet Calculations 46192 | Phe Tool For Common Ph Stats And Cis picture3_Excel Spreadsheet Calculations 46192 | Phe Tool For Common Ph Stats And Cis

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File: Excel Spreadsheet Calculations 46192 | Phe Tool For Common Ph Stats And Cis
Intro Analytical Tools for Public Health February 2018 Commonly used public health statistics and their confidence intervals Contents This spreadsheet provides Excel formulæ for calculating the ...

icon picture XLSX Filetype Excel XLSX | Posted on 17 Aug 2022 | 2 years ago
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...Sheet intro analytical tools for public health february commonly used statistics and their confidence intervals contents this spreadsheet provides excel formul aelig calculating the more common types of statistic within intelligence proportions these include rates means agestandardised ratios are also given all tool was designed produced specifically to accompany apho technical briefing on indirectly standardised eg smrs available at httpsfingertipspheorgukprofileguidance in replicated here with examples directly calculation it will act as a tutorial those unfamiliar statistical may be copied into other spreadsheets multiple calculations version history rereleased phe branding ci methods dsrs isrs brought line current guidance use exact method numerators lt byar s gt not calculated updated accommodate extended age bands european standard population march first release same name numerator denominator proportion interval o n p plower pupper level percentage ndash data entry cells white b...
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