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picture1_Programming Pdf 185530 | Cis 340

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File: Programming Pdf 185530 | Cis 340
cleveland state university department of electrical and computer engineering cis 340 system programming catalog description cis 340 system programming pre requisite cis 265 this course is designed for cis ece ...

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...Cleveland state university department of electrical and computer engineering cis system programming catalog description pre requisite this course is designed for ece major students serves as the introduction level in will work on linux systems use c language to develop programs unix while no skill required are expected be proficient at least one high e g java textbook w richard stevens stephen a rago advanced environment rd edition addison wesley isbn online wikibook coordinator dr haodong wang phone email hwang csuohio edu outcomes end successful student able master using create software usage makefiles linking object files loading symbol resolution debugging execution file i o open close read write seek familiar with basic os concepts such process program groups signals running control address space user kernel modes calls fulfillment cs objectives characteristics graduates apply discipline including analysis design implementation information computing employed profession engaged lif...

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