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File: Human Resource Management In Healthcare Pdf 45419 | Isca Rjrs 2012 387
research journal of recent sciences issn 2277 2502 vol 2 1 84 90 january 2013 res j recent sci review paper factors affecting the role of human resource department in ...

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...Research journal of recent sciences issn vol january res j sci review paper factors affecting the role human resource department in private healthcare sector pakistan a case study rehman medical institute rmi rosman md y shah f hussain and faculty management development university technology malaysia available online at www isca th received october revised accepted november abstract challenges it faces has always been an important area both developed developing countries objective this is to evaluate hr province khyber pakhtunkhwa kpk analyze being largest hospital researchers have selected as for data was collected through interviews from different levels employees constant comparative method used analyzing results present that plays administrative expert major internal include workload top interference style organizational culture which negatively effect motivation performance morale while small labour market undue government other higher authorities trade unions are external affect ...

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