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picture1_Telehealth Solution Ai In Healthcare

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File: Telehealth Solution Ai In Healthcare
care moves closer home healthcare purpose driven resilient adaptable abstract to date there have only been a handful of crises that have afflicted the entire world population the way the ...

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...Care moves closer home healthcare purpose driven resilient adaptable abstract to date there have only been a handful of crises that afflicted the entire world population way covid pandemic has from individuals and governments public institutions businesses resulted in cascade changes however these also inadvertently transformed operates it given us chance amend our actions adapt new realities revamp path for more stronger civilization this white paper discusses ways sector particular embraced telehealth an effort bring about paradigm shift delivery piloting future practices around while now always various barriers its adoption ease use reimbursement interoperability albeit slow evolution restrictions on absence widespread health infrastructure was with ehrs maturing but patient services concerns would allow easy sharing engagement remained low over quality made data further nullified owing poor user experience providers many s end functionalities hesitant digitalization benefits crisis...

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