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picture1_Economic System Pdf 43886 | 358310rev0ce0clear1srilanka

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File: Economic System Pdf 43886 | 358310rev0ce0clear1srilanka
35831 public disclosure authorizedpublic disclosure authorizedaid effectiveness initiative country level effectiveness and accountability review clear public disclosure authorizedpublic disclosure authorized srilanka public disclosure authorizedpublic disclosure authorized february 2006 public disclosure ...

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...Public disclosure authorizedpublic authorizedaid effectiveness initiative country level and accountability review clear authorized srilanka february eric duflos cgap joanna ledgerwood consultant brigit helms manuel moyart table of contents list ofacronyms iv acknowledgments v mapofsrilanka vi executive summary i background ii overview microfinance in sri lanka economic political social context evolution the financial system stakeholders funders recent trends iii analytical framework donors systems strengths weaknesses donor consequences tsunami support on aid recommendations gapanalysisinthe lankan financialsystems micro retail service providers meso services apexes networks macro policies laws regulation supervision annexes annex matrix projects instruments funding geographical coverage population per point documents consulted persons accdc all ceylon community development council adb asian bank bmz bundesministerium fur wirtschaftliche zusammenarbeit und entwicklung cida canadian int...

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