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picture1_Human Resource Management Pdf 43866 | Plan Requirements

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Human Resource Management Pdf 43866 | Plan Requirements

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 17 Aug 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Human resource management equal employment opportunity affirmative action plan requirements for executive branch agencies section i summary provide a statement that describes the department s efforts include names of divisions and number employees make up each division attached you will find most recent recommendations from your previous gceeo review please indicate in report what steps have taken take to address these ii policy this is official declaration state agency commitment eeo aa be signed by cabinet secretary head iii responsibilities implementation shall designate high ranking person responsible direction diversity with name contact information including email telephone should primarily list duties designee an organizational chart which shows reporting structure designated individual also provided iv recruitment retention practices accomplishments describe internal external communication procedures used reach all potential resources current fiscal year specifically show how s...

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