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picture1_Transportation Vocabulary Pdf 43641 | Transportationvocabularylist

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File: Transportation Vocabulary Pdf 43641 | Transportationvocabularylist
transportation vocabulary topic vocabulary for the ielts exam important do not try and learn this list of vocabulary identify the vocabulary you find useful for answering practise questions about transportation ...

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...Transportation vocabulary topic for the ielts exam important do not try and learn this list of identify you find useful answering practise questions about record these in your notebook using them regularly set key definitions vehicle a machine usually with wheels an engine used taking people or goods from one place to another especially on roads three vehicles were involved accidents near my house transport take carry their furniture was transported new large lorry system such as buses trains etc getting what form are going use get airport means any that can travel bicycles cheap also keep fit facility consisting equipment necessary movement passengers country needs lot improvement public operate at regular times fixed routes charge fares by it s much cheaper city than drive car private available general own most prefer makes more independent traffic pedestrians ships planes moving along route there morning infrastructure basic systems services power supplies organization uses order wo...

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