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picture1_Transportation System Management Pdf 43442 | 18bib65s U2

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File: Transportation System Management Pdf 43442 | 18bib65s U2
modes of transportation prepared by mrs m janani department of commerce international business government arts college coimbatore 18 reference logistics management world seaborne trade krishnaveni muthiah different modes of transportation ...

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...Modes of transportation prepared by mrs m janani department commerce international business government arts college coimbatore reference logistics management world seaborne trade krishnaveni muthiah different i railways indian railway system has grown into asia s largest and the fourth it route length kilo meters end daily run is with running trains carrying lakh tons goods average cost per ton meter paise https www yourarticlelibrary com geography commonly used transport merits large capacity compared to other means are known for bulk carriage over long distances economical as freight rates telescopic referential works cheaper particularly in case heavy all weather provide season protection products moved on uninterrupted basis containerisation have done a good job containerising major routes facilitating safe speedier movement links markets main sources connections outside country moving from interior parts points overseas supply shipping demerits costlier short because tapering diff...

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