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picture1_Investment Property Excel Spreadsheet 43078 | E08081e2 B6b1 44e5 B31a Bab4f0d88960

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File: Investment Property Excel Spreadsheet 43078 | E08081e2 B6b1 44e5 B31a Bab4f0d88960
sheet 1 inputs investment property analysis sheet 1 provided by joe massey of castle amp cooke mortgage llc 2 direct 3038097769 email jmassey castlecookemortgagecom website wwwcastlecookemortgagecomapply 3 4 instructions 1 ...

icon picture XLS Filetype Excel XLS | Posted on 16 Aug 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Sheet inputs investment property analysis provided by joe massey of castle amp cooke mortgage llc direct email jmassey castlecookemortgagecom website wwwcastlecookemortgagecomapply instructions work your way down this inputting the appropriate information in to each yellow cell be sure input correct number units for subject sfr through fourplex please note that certain lines have comments provide additional help you once highlighted cells are completed can view results on cash purchase finance hardmoney tabs finally compare scenario sidebyside summary tab address rosemary st price rehab cost after repair value hard money loantocost loan amount max arv interest rate monthly payment discount points reminder factor total time find new tenant and complete refinance months until closing costs c processing underwriting funding term years fee title insurance appraisal recording county minimum single family residence plex percentage a will generally higher than include year inspection transfer...

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