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picture1_Real Estate Investment Analysis Excel Spreadsheet 43077 | C92537fc 9e54 4d1e 89b3 500c5de5342a

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File: Real Estate Investment Analysis Excel Spreadsheet 43077 | C92537fc 9e54 4d1e 89b3 500c5de5342a
sheet 1 inputs investment property analysis sheet 1 provided by joe massey of castle amp cooke mortgage and charles roberts of your castle real estate 2 joe massey 3038097769 email ...

icon picture XLSX Filetype Excel XLSX | Posted on 16 Aug 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Sheet inputs investment property analysis provided by joe massey of castle amp cooke mortgage and charles roberts your real estate email jmassey castlecookemortgagecom website wwwloansbyjoemasseycom croberts yourcastlecom wwwyourcastlecom instructions work way down this inputting the appropriate information in to each highlighted tab be sure input correct number units for subject sfr through fourplex latest revision date please note that certain lines have comments provide additional help you december st once cells are completed can view results on cashflow whatif address main payment percentage purchase price acquisition costs loan balance initial repair total interest rate term years extra principal per month monthly rental income unit vacancy factor annual rent increase appreciation operating expenses commentsfootnotes taxes insurance management standard gross rents repairs maintenance generally a minimum repairsmaintenance utilities if paid owner water sewer trash electric landscap...

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