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picture1_Investment Excel Sheet 43069 | 2 Investor Alignment Tool

 143x       Filetype XLSX       File size 0.37 MB       Source: casesmartimpact.com

File: Investment Excel Sheet 43069 | 2 Investor Alignment Tool
sheet 1 introduction investor alignment tool this tool is designed to help you take the broad world of capital providers and filter down to the top investor targets that truly ...

icon picture XLSX Filetype Excel XLSX | Posted on 16 Aug 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Sheet introduction investor alignment tool this is designed to help you take the broad world of capital providers and filter down top targets that truly meet needs your venture process will spend valuable time strategically so avoid pursuing investors don t match have a greater chance success with those do there are three steps tab identify understand document own criteria in these on which ll judge potential matchesthe knockout must for an investment be possible include geography size financial return expectations morethe fit where may able compromise or negotiate governance impact evidence industry more track encounter use keep organized list all make notes if ve interacted them identified next relationship warm also brainstorm individuals network can introduce interested evaluate most worth energy pursue appear at rows what know about decide align not check results columns easily see aligned look example how looks when completed by early stage health set fictional after using spendi...

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