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picture1_Budget Template For Project 42958 | Slide Ist405 Ist405 Slide 04

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File: Budget Template For Project 42958 | Slide Ist405 Ist405 Slide 04
chapter 5 defining and managing project scope learning objectives identify the five processes that support project scope management these processes defined by pmbok include initiation planning scope definition scope verification ...

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...Chapter defining and managing project scope learning objectives identify the five processes that support management these defined by pmbok include initiation planning definition verification change control describe difference between product apply several tools techniques for s deliverables or work products must be completed in order to achieve mov provides a boundary so what needs get done gets otherwise schedule budget are increased no reason defines is part of team not this also sets expectations all stakeholders link plan description process development how it will verified controlled throughout detailed statement serve as basis future decisions create breakdown decomposition dividing major structure wbs into smaller more manageable components confirmation formal acceptance accurate complete supports ensuring controls place manage proposed changes once set procedures communicated figure...

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