File: Inventory Management Pdf 194201 | Jurnal Inggris 21160000265
analysis of raw material inventory control by eoq economic order quantity method in bakery flowers analysis of raw material inventory control by eoq economic order quantity method in bakery flowers ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 06 Feb 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Analysis of raw material inventory control by eoq economic order quantity method in bakery flowers qonita inda robby hamdani m shah management indonesian college economics jl kayu jati raya no a rawamangun jakarta indonesia qonitaindarobbi gmail com stei ac id abstract the purpose this study was to determine whether controlling materials minimizing costs at current is more economical when using and analyzing reorder point flower company uses descriptive approach with analytical tool used methods data collection are carried out observation interviews documentation literature results indicate that supply namely purchase margarine according policy kg while granulated sugar it so if on for wheat flour total cost savings rp will be obtained based research s bunga currently not inefficient because incurred greater than keywords find school high science years number orders points companies done interview showed purchasing as much saving efficient value added eva market mva financial performan...