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picture1_Portfolio Assessments Narrator Script

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File: Portfolio Assessments Narrator Script
portfolio assessments narrator s script contents introduction and purpose 1 key concepts 1 portfolio assessments 1 how to use a what who how framework to design portfolio assessments 2 check ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 01 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Portfolio assessments narrator s script contents introduction and purpose key concepts how to use a what who framework design check for understanding conclusion sources the focus of this module is by end you should be able define assessment distinguish between its two types identify benefits challenges using know that there can them now let get started are not type item but rather compilation student work ask students or teachers collect products show growth over specific period time examples include collections essays artwork lab reports reading logs we scoring guides rubrics score portfolios main instructional working showcase formative in nature they allow demonstrate his her ability perform particular skill example may collection from course semester highlight improving create hypotheses summative samples best mastery at unit study school year several drafts an essay with comments indicate each draft improves upon last most polished on topic demonstrating relevant skills offer firs...

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