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picture1_Budget Spreadsheet 42662 | 141022strategic Plan

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File: Budget Spreadsheet 42662 | 141022strategic Plan
primary policy instruments mandate vision mission strategic objectives five year strategic plan mtef 2015 2018 budget the national development plan provides the framework for achieving radical economic transformation it sets ...

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...Primary policy instruments mandate vision mission strategic objectives five year plan mtef budget the national development provides framework for achieving radical economic transformation it sets a economy that is inclusive equitable and fast growing to achieve end points need grow employment support productivity efficiency gains move toward greater equality reach these aims proposes more affordable efficient infrastructure provision linked higher levels of public investment substantial improvements in basic post secondary education responsive regulations appropriate sector strategies key operational plans implementing mtsf include new growth path industrial action ipap challenge ensure are translated into with well defined annual iterations through will focus on productive sectors including mining agriculture manufacturing medium term government electoral reflection commitments entailed manifesto commitment implement ndp out identified targets coherence amongst provincial local overar...

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