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picture1_Communication Ppt 42403 | Advisory Board Presentation Barker 121015

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File: Communication Ppt 42403 | Advisory Board Presentation Barker 121015
most pressing methodological issues 1 joining the 2 knowledges the what evidence based subject protocols matter knowledge guidelines the how physical ambitious aim to close resources implementation clinical training and ...

icon picture PPTX Filetype Power Point PPTX | Posted on 16 Aug 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Most pressing methodological issues joining the knowledges what evidence based subject protocols matter knowledge guidelines how physical ambitious aim to close resources implementation clinical training and measured gap improvement adaptive content theory strategies that are supported by measurement feedback learning systems p getting full scale framework escape from pilot thinking best practice phases of exists set up build scalable test unit go new idea leadership communication social networks culture adoption urgency persistence mechanisms data infrastructure for support human capacity capability sustainability improvements in quantitative methodology register facility district collected aggregated sends health clinic into aggregate information registers monthly report system reports happens routinely vs summary dhis can routine be fixed...

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