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picture1_Green Powerpoint Template 42354 | 318132400 Chap004

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File: Green Powerpoint Template 42354 | 318132400 Chap004
trends the start of a trend that lasts for a considerable period of time provides one of the greatest opportunities for starting a new venture trends that will provide opportunities ...

icon picture PPT Filetype Power Point PPT | Posted on 16 Aug 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Trends the start of a trend that lasts for considerable period time provides one greatest opportunities starting new venture will provide include green clean energy organic orientation economic social health and web sources ideas consumers informally monitor potential needs formally arrange to express their opinions existing products services analysis uncovers ways improve offerings may result in product or service distribution channels channel members can help suggest market cont federal government files patent office possibilities come response regulations research development formal endeavor connected with s current employment an informal lab basement garage methods generating focus groups moderator leads group participants through open depth discussion directive nondirective manner excellent method screening concepts brainstorming allows people be stimulated greater creativity good emerge when effort focuses on specific area rules no criticism freewheeling is encouraged quantity de...

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