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picture1_Career Ppt 42339 | Pro  Muthukrishnan Ow On Obe And Accreditation For Pevs  1 2 2021

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File: Career Ppt 42339 | Pro Muthukrishnan Ow On Obe And Accreditation For Pevs 1 2 2021
purposes and premises of obe purposes of obe ensuring that all students are equipped with the knowledge competence and attributes needed to be successful when they exit the educational system ...

icon picture PPTX Filetype Power Point PPTX | Posted on 16 Aug 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Purposes and premises of obe ensuring that all students are equipped with the knowledge competence attributes needed to be successful when they exit educational system after obtaining degree organizing implementing programs in department institute so outcomes can achieved maximized for learn succeed a suitable t l support learning promotes ensures further departments faculty have much say on parameters influence by their is taken up as transformational overview model criteria vision measurement methods assessment mission pos cos results analysis peos realize improvements identify action implement program objectives broad statements describe career professional achievements preparing graduates achieve within first few years graduation generally assessed indirectly via interaction alumni industry persons associated peo example aeronautical engineering our will careers government academia military innovative engineers solving problems lifecycle aircraft systems continue advance through ac...

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