File: Excel Sample Sheet 42252 | Activity List Template
sheet 1 activity list activity list project no ma01502 full project name project orion date project manager a smith activity list activity attributes activity id activity title activity description scope ...
Filetype Excel XLSX | Posted on 15 Aug 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Sheet activity list project no ma full name orion date manager a smith attributes id title description scope of work predecssor ids successor constraints assumptions resource requirements wbsa assign send request to who will identify the level pm available july through october effort none must be us based won t have necessary experience sponsor create record in management system follow process method chapter pg waterfall template pmo and team book booking review sow for each member admin is booked separately via needs offshore resources are meet milestone payment schedule definitions number assigned by office once approved funding this link takes you person responsible successful delivery time costs quality or give unique may include reference package breakdown structure that as understandable possible other words understand describe clearly so understands add more detail if needed example references procedures manuals might make note any exclusions predecessor activities enter need co...