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25 Email Marketing And Deliverability Articles

icon picture zip Filetype zip | Posted on 21 Jun 2022 | 3 years ago

Andy yahya
Andy yahya

The following is a list of 25 txt files containing articles about Email marketing and deliverability. These articles can be used as ideas for modifying articles or reposting. Some snippets of file contents have been shown under the title. You can download all these files at once in 1 zip file for free on this page.

1. Building Email List Based On Permission
..... The biggest challenge for email marketers is to build a cost effective list. This is because at least thirty percent of the email addresses change on most lists. Therefore, marketers have to go for a more aggressive approach in order to expand the list and to get more significant investment returns. Taking permission is the basic key to maintaining a almost constant email list, along with other steps. Permission is certainly not the optional thing. If permission is not taken it means direct landing up as a spam complaint or even greater, breaking the U.S Law for spamming. The sign up form should be featured on every web page. No opportunity should be missed for turning the visitor into a subscriber. Subscription value can be enhanced by adding sample emails, screenshot of an email, testimonials and good copy on the sign up and registration page. To attract more number of subscribers, incentives can be offered upon signing up. The incentives can be as small as white papers and as big as special discounts. Incentives increase the conversion rates to great extent. Today everything is becoming search engine optimized. Therefore it is the need of the hour to optimize the website in order for the website to land in first hundred search result. The current and archived web pages and newsletters must be optimized for increasing the traffic rate of the website and subscription rate. Search services such as Google AdWords can be made use of, for including subscription link on the landing page and for promotion of the website. Opt-in check boxes must be added on the demo requests, registration forms and white papers. This increases the conversion rates by at least fifty percent. .....


2. Costly Email Mistakes
..... When an email program is designed and executed well it can bring more subscribers and revenue than what was targeted. If, executed poorly it will get terrible results and also anger among recipients and not to forget answering your boss’s innumerable questions. Outlook is the most used email client, so it shouldn’t be ignored, especially the Outlook Junk Filter. But many companies do not spare time to learn about keywords and symbols with the default filter searches for. Some of the common words and symbols, which are also the most widely used, used for filtering the email as spam are ‘free’ and exclamation mark at the end of the subject line. But the word ‘free’ does not always arouse suspicion like many legitimate email marketers think. It can be used correctly and in context with shipping or sample, etc. Nobody can disagree that it is still the most effective email offer. So the key here is to know the words and how to use them so that the email does not get caught by spam or bulk mail filters. Certainly quality costs money, which also applies to email marketing. Some marketers say that even low cost email list delivers a respectable turn over, but experts advise that more expensive list produces even bigger returns because of high quality. Another point to be noted here is that when you are mailing to an inferior quality list, you are actually harming your brand. .....


3. Designing For Different Types Of Email Audiences
..... Marketers usually send only one type of message to a strictly targeted list of recipients. But in reality, the email is seen by ten different types of audiences who read the message in ten different ways. Hence, it is important to create a message design which satisfies the needs of majority type of audience as possible, instead of creating a different message for each type of audience. Things get even more complicated when audience keep shifting. It can happen that the same recipient reads the message with a different perspective from edition to edition, depending on the time or mood constraints. This problem can be solved by understanding the major email audience. Then the design tactics can be designed and the potential of the email being read by everyone can be maximized. There are eight types of audiences: Identifiers, skimmers, readers, HTML readers, text reader, mobile, desk, and searchers. Identifiers have only one goal. They check from address and subject line to make decision amongst the other emails which have overcrowded their inboxes. They make recognition and delete the rest of the emails which they do not want to read. For such audience great subject lines and clear branding make the greatest impact. Snippet or the top line of the emails is also displayed in the preview pane, so this text is of all importance as it can help to make the difference between reading and deletion. Usually the business people fall into this category who want to clear the inbox after they arrive to the office before the first meeting or when they are waiting for their flight. .....


4. Doubling Promotions Email Revenue And Ecommerce
..... One of the best aspects of email marketing is that it has the ability to turn out considerable revenue from a promotional email campaign or ecommerce. But the common perception of this type of marketing is that you design your email, forward it to a list of subscribers and then wait and watch the revenue rolling in. But it is not that easy. For an ecommerce program to be successful it takes more than just emailing the newsletter. And because of this, companies jeopardize lot of money by not dividing their customers into segments and utilizing more advanced emailing features. Segmentation can be done on the basis of demographics, personalization, actions, customers responses detail tracking and trigger based emails. By considering these variables, a lot of investment may not be made in infrastructure or technology. The revenue of an ecommerce program can be doubled or even tripled within few months with a little extra effort, analysis, refinement and testing. The things to be taken care of here are list building, content creativity, list management, segmentation and testing. .....


5. Engaging The Newsletter Readers
..... In this email saturated period, the subscribers will get bored if the emails they receive contain messages such as ‘SALE’ or ‘Buy me’. Every other commercial email and spam has such kind of information which fills up the inbox. Thus to avoid this, information in the newsletter must include expert advice, latest trends, how to use the products, and tips. There should be numerous ways for interaction and the products should be displayed as the most anticipated products of the season. This will make the readers invest more time and eventually more money in the company’s products. The links for interaction should be counted and not the ones for unsubscribing. The newsletters must get the readers involved in it. The reader engagement should be increased by adopting certain creative strategies. A good newsletter should have a perfect blend of interactive content, purchase behavior and also, entertainment value. Effort should be made to add at least some value to the email, irrespective of the fact that the receiver is a regular customer or a new recipient. Value can be added by giving information of latest company news, off sales announcements. Transactional emails can also be sent which includes updates and regular information such as registration, subscription and order confirmations. Customer feedbacks are very important for revamping marketing techniques. A minimum of one web link, contact email address, telephone number and postal address should be included for collecting feedbacks. Short surveys can also be designed which have one question pop quizzes regarding company’s products, instead of statistically valid queries. The introduction to the quiz can be used in the email as a link to the actual quiz located on the website. A display of running vote’s total can also be included in the quiz topics upon improvement of the newsletter, website, or products; new ideas for product improvement; how the product changed the life of the user and others are good ideas for taking feedbacks. The best feedbacks can then be published in the next issue. Noteworthy questions can also be collected under the ‘Frequently Asked Questions’ section. A small prize can help to increase the interest of the newsletter readers. .....


6. Future Of Email Deliverability
..... The biggest boost to email deliverability is the growth of transparency since the internet bubble burst in the millennium. It took away much uncertainity associated with email marketing. Address spoofing was absent then and spam undermined the recipient’s confidence in email marketing. In transparency means the person at the other side goes according to the claims he make. Now the identity has to be proved through out the delivery chain. Authentication systems used by ISPs have been developed to check the validity of the authorized sender and then either pass along the email or block it. Few authorization systems work invisibly while others display a visible notice in a message form. Authentication, though, hasn’t solved the phishing and spam problem, but transparency fostered by it makes the legitimate senders more vivid. Previously there were closed systems which have become open now to email senders because of introduction of transparency by reputed vendors. The IP address of the sender can be known instantly and there are websites which can show how the email pattern of a particular sender is reflected to the world. Things are easier for the email sender too, as they can check whether their email has been delivered or not with the help of email broadcasting solutions which have incorporated delivery monitors in their systems. Emailers who follow the best practices policies being offered by vendors, ISPs, and email industry trade groups have greatest rate of email message delivery. These policies include delivery volume, email bounces, opt-in practices, address management, IP address integrity and content trigger. According to these policies, transparency is also meant for the emailer’s personal program. The subscription process of the sender explains why the sender is is signing up, type of emails he will receive and how the unsubscription process is carried out. Depending upon the trustworthy atmosphere created by these policies, the ISP separates emails which have to be delivered, blocked and filtered. .....


7. Getting Better Email Open Rates
..... The success of email campaigns can be gauged by the number of email open rates. The more number of readers read the email, the greater chances of people taking the desired action. But for this, the readers must be motivated into clicking on the link. The very first thing which any reader will notice is the subject line. It is the most important factor which should resonates with the mind of the readers and should compel them to open and read the email. The subject line should be personalized depending upon the recipient’s interest, and other factors. So creativity needs to involve creating words of motivation. The brand should make its mark so much so that the customers must set up expectations for the brand. Recipients should be anticipating the emails. For this the services or products provided by the company should meet their current needs and interest. The recipients should know what to expect when they are opening the email and they should be made to feel that they will miss something very important if they didn’t open your email. Apart from the subject line, lot of attraction also lies in the content of the newsletter. The content must be original along with being compelling. If the content of the email can be found elsewhere, the customers may forgo the thought of opening the email and instead going for the one of a kind content. The content should also have valuable information which can be used by the readers. It could concentrate on the free offer, or the big discount. .....


8. Getting More Out Of The Unsubscribing Option
..... The unsubscribing link helps the marketers to understand their customers better. This makes them to look for alternatives which would help to retain the customers for a longer time, sometimes even forever. The whole procedure will give an insight about the view of the subscribers, how they picture the company and what are their expectations from the company. Unsubscribing customers force the company to think of a counter-option to restrain the customer from unsubscribing. So, if the whole process is designed well, it actually helps the email program in reaching its goal. Also, it is considered as a good practice to provide the customer with the opportunity to unsubscribe. The major reason being that if you do not provide the unsubscribe link, it is more likely that the consumers will report you to their individual ISPs as spammer. The unsubscribe link should be easy to locate and use. Marketers include the unsubscribe instruction in every promotional emails, but they should understand that building customer trust is also very important. The customer should be given the chance to manage their inboxes by giving the unsubscribe option at other critical contact points. The first step towards this is to send the welcome message soon after the customer subscribing in order to confirm the request. Sometimes it may happen that the customer will subscribe unknowingly, especially because of pre-checked boxes on the registration form. In this case it is very important to include the unsubscribe method in the welcome email, otherwise the recipient will be forced to receive unwanted emails which can bother him to the very extend. This increases the risk of clicking the spam button. .....


9. Guidelines For Growing The Opt
..... It requires dreadfully hard work to build a robust, responsive and high-quality mailing list. Just flooding thousands of emails to the list of recipients in the database won’t do the trick. The truth is that acquiring email addresses is just a small part of the large process of email marketing. It is very important to realize that the company should build an individual relationship with every person behind the email address. If the starting is wrong, every chance for building a rewarding relationship with the subscribers is instantly killed. And on the other side, if the company proves itself worthy to its list of subscribers, then many happy years lie ahead for both the parties. For list building some key components need to be kept into account like the method of acquiring the email addresses, how new subscribers should be welcomed, and how the relationship is maintained after the opt-in process. Acquiring the list of addresses is the easiest part of list building. But the basic rule here is to take explicit permission from the owner to send emails. Violation of this rule is going against the U.S. CAN-SPAM law regarding commercial email. This also leads to breaking of the relationship with the customer. Addresses can be collected by online and offline means. Links for email opt-in should be posted on every page of the website, including the registration page and every transactional page. Paid search can be used to reach elevate the position in search engines results. The land up page should include a vivid link to the sign up page. Alliances can be searched who have a similar or a complementary business so to promote one’s company in return of promoting the other company. Incentives such as email only discount and free shipping can be offered to increase the subscription list. If the list is being rented from another organization make sure the list contains subscribers which have given permission. Offline means include collecting email addresses from visitors to the company, trade show or on-site. Email addresses can be asked for in appropriate situations by the customer support employees and telephone sales workers. Links for subscription can be posted in all printed material such as newspapers, flyers, magazines, bags, store signs, customer survey and feedback forms, catalogs, etc. .....


10. How Deliverability Is Damaged
..... How many times professionals have said that senders should adopt better practices to enhance their programs but, marketers ignores it every time and commit same old blunder. They end up getting nothing but terrible outcomes and they blame them on ISPs for their tough spam filtering policies. One of the reasons why emails are undeliverable is due to failed authentication checks. This is a key reason why marketers should keep good records of the authentications to make it easy for the ISPs to identify authentic senders and make use of the reputation data to make decisions related to delivery. More damaging is an incorrect or broken record which can be even more devastating than not having any record at all. For instance consider the case where the IP address and sender is identified by authentication and when this authentication check fails it sends out a message that the “email was not sent by me” and thus do not deliver the message. One of the other things that damages chances of deliverability of marketing emails is using an unrecognizable sender address. It’s a general practice among the recipients to decide what should be done about the email after reading the sender address otherwise the email is most likely going to be reported as spam or deleted right away. So, the more you try to hide your identity the more damaging would be the results. .....


11. How Subject Lines Resembling Spam Hinder Deliverability
..... A lot depends on what you are putting in the subject line when sending a marketing email. It can make or break your email marketing campaign. The receivers are fed up of getting emails like “download this software for free” or “upgrade for free” or “RE: some software”. Now, it is difficult even for an email marketer to identify which emails are from a legitimate software marketer based on subject line the how someone could expect recipients to guess. And when receivers can’t identify them they think that it is spam. They will simply send the message to trash and would even report the message as spam or unsubscribe from the email program. Irrespective of whatever action they might take you’ll have delivery problems. One should never take it for granted when you are earning the goodwill of the subscribers. There have been innumerable instances where marketers in spite of not being spammers were mistaken to be spammers and dealt with heavy fallout. This is a word of caution for anyone who is actively involved in email marketing but in particular to those who deal in healthcare, financial services, technology, and luxury goods. The best guard against mistaken identity is the subject line which means that one must hard and get really creative to outsmart spammers. The subject line must not only be catching to the eye but also brief, informative and provide assurance to the recipients that the email came from a trusted source. .....


12. How To Expand Your Email Program
..... It is very important for the business to diversify and expand for survival. Certainly, increase in the number of emails is a tricky proposition, especially if you are showing your subscriber with emails on different topics than they had chosen in the start. The subscriber does give you permission to mail him when he subscribes and registers on your website. You may think just another email about a new product or sales flyer wont hurt and instead will increase the marketing and the email program and in turn the business. You would want to get the most out of the subscriber’s database by getting maximum return on the member acquisition costs. But it is not as simple as it sounds as you may irritate the present subscribers so much that they wont sign up for new information. In fact you may receive flood of unsubscribe requests or spam clicks or just indifference. Interest cannot be interchanged with permission. Assumption must not be made that you have the permission to message them anything that they had not requested. There is a minute point where the email program goals meet the preferences and expectation of the subscriber. Instead of increasing the email frequency, emphasis must be made on increasing the quality of the email in order to make each email valuable to the customers. Switching from a bi-weekly email to a weekly one means that the content should be twice as effective. The content should be relevant along with being effective. Relevant content is the key point of targeted marketing. The current emails should include more specialized publications in order to make the most out the customer database. Do not try to impose the company’s will on the customers; instead take them to the new information by making it as attractive as possible. The marketing program can be expanded by not violating the expectations or the original permission grant, in order to respect the reader’s interest. Certainly permission must be taken from them. Increasing the frequency of newsletters also means increase in expenditure. While emailing we might think that the email belongs to a different category but if the subscribers are not able to differentiate a regular newsletter from the special offer, the effort is worthless. .....


13. How To Make The Subscription Process Easier
..... There is a lot of competition in catching the attention of the subscriber in the email world. In order to distinguish from the rest of the clutter, communication must be made easier for the receiver. People always get attracted to things which are easy and go away from things which are difficult to do. Because of this hallmark of services and products like Google AdWords, Turbo Tax, etc., they have gained popularity all over the world. Like they say it is easy to say but difficult to do, so is the case with making each and every thing easy for the customers and subscribers. Sometimes it might happen that the things which are easy for a group of customers might not be easy for the rest. This case is true especially with new customers. The very first step in making things easier is to have a simple email address, link or opt-in form field in a promotional email or newsletter. Also this information must be included on every page of the website. There should be provision of a web version of the emails which are in HTML. It helps to include a send-to-friend link or functionality in every message. The subscribers must be able to take actions in spite of the images being blocked. Every submit button should be labeled with the action to be taken like ‘buy now’, ‘Subscribe here’, etc. .....


14. How To Optimize Email Opt
..... To optimize email opt-in pages is amongst the most important jobs to do and is also amongst the most forgotten job. The way the opt-in forms and pages are presented determines the quality of list, rate of growth, and meets the subscriber’s expectations which in turn help in email performance. The very first step towards optimization is to get the people to fill in the opt-in page. Immediately following it is designing the layout of the opt-in page and form. Making one come to the website is another issue. But once they get to the website, they should be allured into signing-up by making them go to the opt-in page. Firstly, the path to the sign up page must be made easier and clear. Links to sign up page or form must be included on the home page and even on other pages too. Promotional boxes should appear in the areas of side bars. The visitor shouldn’t search whether the website offers email newsletters or not. The links to the navigation area should send out clear message. Terms and names which aren’t obvious shouldn’t be used. Words such as Email Newsletter, Newsletter or eNewsletter are very appropriate. If there is sufficient space, promote the latest newsletter on your home page by pasting its link. The website should have a ‘Knowledge and Resource Center’ area where extract of articles and archived issues can be placed. This area can then be used to promote sign-ups to the company’s newsletter. It is good to include the subscribe link in the back issues. .....


15. Making The Year End Email Marketing Review
..... At the year’s end everyone needs to look back on their email marketing efforts to see how successful their program was and if it wasn’t as successful as they were expecting, then what steps should be taken in order to make the program successful. The main points to be looked upon are: * Key performance metrics .....


16. Mistakes Made In Email Opt
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17. Monitor Feedback To Boost Deliverability
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18. Optimizing Holiday Email Marketing
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19. Permission Is Not Optional In Email Marketing
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20. Spicing Up The Snippet Text
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21. Strategies For Email Marketing
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22. Testing Emails Effectively
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23. The Biggest Email Brand Killers
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24. Tips On Reducing Number Of Email Bounces
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25. Understanding List Fatigue And List Churn
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