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picture1_Spreadsheet For Expenses 41281 | Sample 3 Year Operating And 5 Year Capital Plan

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File: Spreadsheet For Expenses 41281 | Sample 3 Year Operating And 5 Year Capital Plan
sheet 1 budget amp 3 year operating plan 2019 operating budget amp 3year financial plan budgeted actual budgeted projected projected projected notes all costs increase by 2 annually unless specific ...

icon picture XLSX Filetype Excel XLSX | Posted on 15 Aug 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Sheet budget amp year operating plan financial budgeted actual projected notes all costs increase by annually unless specific circumstances dictate otherwise general government expenses salaries wages and benefits cao finance manager two clerical staff of council contracted services in for legal consultant the development icf materials goods supplies bank charges shortterm interest revenue aleksnelson does not include asff or foundation requisitions net municipal taxes account changes assessment value growth transfers investment income increased return on investments with improving economy user fees sale penalties other includes annual payment from village tax subsidy protective town s share new bylaw officer salary ambulance contract county tickets it is expected that will be high initially then fall as residents get used to having a transportation longterm debt capital waterwastewater waste management commission membership tippage pickup garbage cost recovery utility now charged coll...

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