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picture1_Workout Plan Excel Template 41206 | Chi2018 Physicalactivities Modifiedcompendium

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File: Workout Plan Excel Template 41206 | Chi2018 Physicalactivities Modifiedcompendium
adapted compendium of physical activities enter body weight lbs of exerciser to 150 see caloric expenditure estimates calorie expenditure range per week recommendation for body weight based 595 on 5001000 ...

icon picture XLSX Filetype Excel XLSX | Posted on 15 Aug 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Adapted compendium of physical activities enter body weight lbs exerciser to see caloric expenditure estimates calorie range per week recommendation for based on metminwk acsm activity common name code bicycling stationary cycling watts light moderate effort vigorous calisthenics eg situps abdominal crunches conditioning exercises upper without gym equipment workout intensity beginner lower ab pushups pullups lunges plan flutter kicks planks bench dips bicycles jumps push ups bird dog crunch side standing squats hanging knee raise flexed arm hang burpees jumping jacks liftingresistance resistance training loads multiple one repetitions at low dumbbell rows seated leg flexion machine extension...

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