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picture1_Workout Schedule Excel Template 41181 | 16   17 Weights Curriculum

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File: Workout Schedule Excel Template 41181 | 16 17 Weights Curriculum
201617 weight training schedule week monday tuesday wednesday thursday friday aug 2526 introduction rules fb vs cji locker room lifting teachniques fire drill procedure spotting techniques aug 29sept 2 skills ...

icon picture XLSX Filetype Excel XLSX | Posted on 15 Aug 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Weight training schedule week monday tuesday wednesday thursday friday aug introduction rules fb vs cji locker room lifting teachniques fire drill procedure spotting techniques sept skills assessment skill vb fort benton ladder m w bench squat vj pro agility l rep max box jumps tu cleans ab workout dots th stretching highwood chinook base day light circuit chestshouldersarms legsback chestshoulderarms gym activity core gfcc centerville cascade shoulderschestlats gluteslegsback chestarmsshoulders crossfit shoulderschest legsglutes chestlegs bi s tri home coming hayslp boxes chestarmsshoulder legslatsback floats oct simms chestbi stri legsbackglutes lightcrossfit burnout stations fairfield no school liftsbody part free lift district shuttle strength wk legsglutesback chestarms nov divisional playoffs sat chestshoulder class tbd state dec peak chestshoulders bb tourney tf wgr gerhighwood christmas break jan gfh jv...

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