Academic Year Estimates Here is an estimated average budget for an academic year for international students These estimates are for international undergraduate ...
Filetype Excel XLSX | Posted on 14 Aug 2022 | 2 years ago
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...Sheet academic year estimates here is an nbsp estimated average budget for international students these are undergraduate amp postgraduate certificate program tuition fees in canadian currency per annum september april the fee first cad will be confirmed at end of july costs general programs ancillary books supplies housing meals personal total represent eightmonth your may differ depending on lifestyle room choices travel home cell phone new or used etc includes residence dining plan estimate based eight months rent shared occupancy utilities laundry and groceries sample yearly student worksheet income actual difference summary expected wagestips after tax education savings scholarships expenses gifts net family contributions other aid bursary osap living expensesyear savingsyear residencerentmortgage emergency fund rentershome insurance electricity investments gas water cablesatellite paymentsyear internet loan furnishingsappliances lawngarden credit card maintenance clothing taxes p...