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picture1_Cost Sheet Format In Excel 40955 | Program Income Allocation Spending Plan 2020

 153x       Filetype XLSX       File size 0.05 MB       Source: www.dshs.state.tx.us

File: Cost Sheet Format In Excel 40955 | Program Income Allocation Spending Plan 2020
sheet 1 instructions program income spending plan instructions 1 quot service category quot column choose an allowable category to spend earned program income from the drop down list 2 quot ...

icon picture XLSX Filetype Excel XLSX | Posted on 14 Aug 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Sheet instructions program income spending plan quot service category column choose an allowable to spend earned from the drop down list description enter a comment further explaining in for example if itemservice agency chooses training then would describe intended attend such as xyz on date used estimated this will be first submission dshs nd and rd update when was actually cost is initial budgeted fiscal year funding stream document contractprogram which cont step other chosen please elaborate actual spent particular comparison between what amount of revenue allocation obtained descriptioncomment how sold item that necessary comments received generated by contracts with same project period may included worksheetprogram different periods must reported separate worksheets reporting required documents monthly your reimbursement request form b you are utilizing deducting it their expenses balance reimburse submitted invoices dshstexasgov cmsinvoices addition quarterly financial status r...

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