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picture1_Budget Spreadsheet 40941 | Stas Budgetwrkbk

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File: Budget Spreadsheet 40941 | Stas Budgetwrkbk
sheet 1 instructions instructions for completing federal fiscal year ffy 2016 budget templates for theunited states department of agriculture usda supplemental nutrition assistance program education snaped nutrition education and obesity ...

icon picture XLSX Filetype Excel XLSX | Posted on 14 Aug 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Sheet instructions for completing federal fiscal year ffy budget templates theunited states department of agriculture usda supplemental nutrition assistance program education snaped and obesity prevention neop grant funding source cycle begin date end october september submission oslash please send your completed workbook via email to neopbfiscalrequest cdphcagov label using the following naming convention bull lhd name ie ndash alameda general information this contains multiple tabs these include cover bcs prime staffing justification sub s all formula driven cells are locked shaded that allow typing remain white will populate blue text lhds must use california human resources calhr public health cdph travel reimbursement rates see attachment in fap spell out acronyms first time they used template is due formulas if you need additional rows or assitance contact cm set wrap however some cases not automatically expand cell have ability yourself can request format correctly before each t...

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