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picture1_Budget Spreadsheet 40861 | Budget

 197x       Filetype XLSX       File size 0.63 MB       Source: icahn.mssm.edu

File: Budget Spreadsheet 40861 | Budget
sheet 1 setup rev 72022 budget set up questions ref ref ref please answer the questions below so the automated calculation formulas on the budget tabs work 1 is the ...

icon picture XLSX Filetype Excel XLSX | Posted on 14 Aug 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Sheet setup rev budget set up questions ref please answer the below so automated calculation formulas on tabs work is source of funding federal yes if this form will calculate fringe benefits salaries using rate and exclude standard excludable items when calculating f amp a no nonfederal how many years your project run period answering question allows for appropriate amounts to populate y summary tab more than one year be same each annual complete only do not any other budgets information populates note that autopopulate see you must meets following criteria nih modular are requesting different modules example r grant in direct costs indirect use template optional budgeting tips excel sample completed at end workbook instructions enter gray areas descriptive text white spaces additional options section bottom eg subawards cost sharing prorating features need these can skip ismms detailed pi name cell agency title gco fund prorate effort s share k awardee yn shared benefit rates all fut...

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