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picture1_Manajemen Pdf 281 | Pelatihan Manajemen Stres Secara Daring Pada Remaja Selama Pembelajaran Jarak Jauh

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File: Manajemen Pdf 281 | Pelatihan Manajemen Stres Secara Daring Pada Remaja Selama Pembelajaran Jarak Jauh
available at http ejournal unp ac id index php psikologi printed issn 2087 8699 electronic issn 2622 6626 published by jurnal rap riset aktual psikologi vol 12 no 1 2021 ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Diposting 08 Dec 2021 | 3 thn lalu
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...Available at http ejournal unp ac id index php psikologi printed issn electronic published by jurnal rap riset aktual vol no universitas negeri padang indonesia page pelatihan manajemen stres secara daring pada remaja laki selama pembelajaran jarak jauh syifa fauzia chairul mita aswanti tjakrawiralaksana program studi depok e mail ui submitted doi rapun vi accepted abstract online stress management training among junior high school male adolescents during from home this research aims to examine the effectiveness of an for between years old who are attending sfh due pandemic covid design is a one group with three times measurement which pre test post and follow up in monthly interval each measurements perceived scale pss brief cope conducted through video conferencing meetings twice week session takes minutes participants consists discovered data then analyzed friedman identify significant mean score s differences on utilized instruments after result shows decrease level followed improv...

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