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picture1_Budget Spreadsheet 40268 | Cost Methodology Fiji Nap Tool Pilot

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File: Budget Spreadsheet 40268 | Cost Methodology Fiji Nap Tool Pilot
sheet 1 welcome republic of fiji national adaptation plan nap costing methodology tool welcome and instructions june 2020 description this tool is designed to provide a simple cost analysis for ...

icon picture XLSX Filetype Excel XLSX | Posted on 14 Aug 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Sheet welcome republic of fiji national adaptation plan nap costing methodology tool and instructions june description this is designed to provide a simple cost analysis for proposed measures in s using basic inputs user can enter data any three approaches calculated approach an aggregate hybrid additional guidance examples are provided the companion document by ministry economy ccicd iisd available at xxxxx allows input individual line items activity costs like buying truck cement build seawall while add agency budget updating land planning code or building project from case studies similar activities combine two relying mainly on allowing include approachresults relevant analyses be seen sheets ndash assessed each run keep it less cluttered as was performed pilot exercise if more then copy before starting name being key definitions initial onetime equipment materials expected last longer than year recurring operational that incurred discount rate which future discounted general guide...

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