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picture1_Construction Template Excel 40176 | 2020 Steap Master For Web 11 23 20

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File: Construction Template Excel 40176 | 2020 Steap Master For Web 11 23 20
year town name project description grant amount 2005 andover construction of new wing to town office to 500 000 provide a community center 2008 andover planning an design of the ...

icon picture XLSX Filetype Excel XLSX | Posted on 14 Aug 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Year town name project description grant amount andover construction of new wing to office provide a community center planning an design the route economic development senior and recreational area on long hill road replace times farm bridge rd shoddy mill reclamation ashford renovations updates transfer station various capital improvements townwide including crosswalk at replacement decaying guardrails installation hvac system dog pound reconstruction turnpike reconstruct portion hnath pompey hollow park infrastructure restoration avon acquisition handicap accessible playground buckingham continuation village sidewalks lighting decorative within phases iii iv streetscape improvement sidewalk phase i implementation plan in barkhamsted riverton historical society for continued historic squire s tavern public restrooms integrated elementary school repair four roads culverts bridges emergency generators two repairs farmington river riverbank beacon falls renovation tennis basketball courts...

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