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picture1_Aws Ppt Templates 82649 | Hotcloud09 Geambasu Presentation

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File: Aws Ppt Templates 82649 | Hotcloud09 Geambasu Presentation
outline vision cloud as a platform for sharing code and data why now favorable cloud technology trends cloudviews convenient scalable and efficient data sharing in public clouds 2 outline vision ...

icon picture PPT Filetype Power Point PPT | Posted on 10 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Outline vision cloud as a platform for sharing code and data why now favorable technology trends cloudviews convenient scalable efficient in public clouds the web s move to private datacenters aws appengine azure service e g smugmug xignite techout jungledisk current perspective top concerns have been facilitate transition of individual services isolate isolation leads stovepiping are siloed each implements entire software stack many functions common building is hard even flickr gui picasa tags comment search rating social net...

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