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picture1_Budget Spreadsheet 33412 | Amf Spg Eligible Cost Worksheet

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File: Budget Spreadsheet 33412 | Amf Spg Eligible Cost Worksheet
sheet 1 instructions all applicants must complete the eligible cost worksheet at the time of application and with the request for an installment payment for those applicants whose projects have ...

icon picture XLSX Filetype Excel XLSX | Posted on 10 Aug 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Sheet instructions all applicants must complete the eligible cost worksheet at time of application and with request for an installment payment those whose projects have a total production value less than be completed submitted final calculations online budget tab can used to enter form in on cals evaluation assist you answering questions dii diii economic costs entered appropriate line item if are requesting not covered by please below legend head department position initial requested screenbased grant alberta applicant company project name estimated interim do need paid include unpaid number category nonalberta above story rights up three albertan performers lead or supporting roles acquisitions scenario writer s consultant storyboard script editor research clearances searches secretary reproduction travel expenses living fringe benefits development pre breakdown amp dev office survey scouting promotion producer executive producersupervising coproducer associate assistant public relat...

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