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picture1_Powerpoint Executive Summary Template Ppt 32212 | Effectivebusinesscommunication

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File: Powerpoint Executive Summary Template Ppt 32212 | Effectivebusinesscommunication
communication checklist how do you construct an effective presentation or report who is your audience what are they interested in what do you want them to remember example audience for ...

icon picture PPT Filetype Power Point PPT | Posted on 09 Aug 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Communication checklist how do you construct an effective presentation or report who is your audience what are they interested in want them to remember example for field project sections section executive summary senior manager sponsor introduction part ia organizational justification ib current system analysis client ii proposed requirements user iii alternatives evaluation and recommendation iv design purchase specifications it specialist v implementation support operations appendix a signed statement of work b following key points each chapter direct simple sentences short paragraphs white space bullets graphics tables figures stand on their own text stands its there nothing too obvious say components purpose format data conclusion so restate tag ending...

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