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picture1_Ms Word Award Template 29129 | Dps 060 20 Letter Of Engagement Template V3

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File: Ms Word Award Template 29129 | Dps 060 20 Letter Of Engagement Template V3
letter of engagement to be used for specific contracts for the provision of software development services under the dps established the value of each specific contract shall not exceed the ...

icon picture DOCX Filetype Word DOCX | Posted on 07 Aug 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Letter of engagement to be used for specific contracts the provision software development services under dps established value each contract shall not exceed total when contracting authority is listed in schedule and or procurers are review fill fields highlighted yellow prior issuing green filled after award all instruction notes grey removed once finalised no alterations deviations from templates permitted except where provided ref date dear reference we refer you service requirements attached as appendix a this detailing scope required relation by virtue wishes engage supplier provide it with accordance terms conditions detailed charges b c maintenance support applicable term commence on effective terminate require maximum implementation set out acceptance suppler responsible any supplied must new original fully licensed documentation delivered together manuals english language during stages avoid far possible effects known faults bugs standard extent that has been specified use hig...

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