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picture1_Ms Word Award Template 29039 | Rfp Osa Fy2022

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File: Ms Word Award Template 29039 | Rfp Osa Fy2022
proposals fy2022 one step away state grant program applications due monday  may  ...

icon picture DOCX Filetype Word DOCX | Posted on 07 Aug 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Request for proposals fy one step away state grant program applications due monday may p m table of contents timetable introduction who is a near completer promising practices summary goals and objectives process identifying students fundable activities application format delivery instructions required components needs assessment project projected outcomes management plan operation evaluation data reporting requirements budget cost effectiveness assurance receipt review notice awards fiscal procedures appendix checklist b forms c post award issued april technical assistance contact priscilla moore at maryland gov by on to mhec notifications via email am midnight june start date grantee submission first payment funds institutions forward student list match with mva records forwards updated july addresses issue initial letter or other communication august re enrollment fall winter spring semesters legislative report december interim release remaining january end final narrative financial...

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